Sunday, 31 July 2011

German Sparkle Party in Hetalia Cosplay

Well that was really fun, then we got drunk and everything went blurry :L The pictures are from where we looked nice, before we had any alcohol :)

For those of you poor souls that don't know what German Sparkle Party, watch this and you will understand :D WARNING: WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK IT HAS MANY SPARKLES AND GLITTER :D 

Yes it is a condom, full of glitter :D 

bitches love prussia
 Cosplaying Poland 

 No need to explain 

 Hannah as Turkey 

 Poland and Turkey 

 Shannon as Greece and Hannah as Turkey 

 Sexy, May Kay and Poland

 This was an accident 

That was one hell of a night :D hope you try out your own version of German Sparkle party :D please share with me if you do :D

Love Ola <3

Ageha Magazine July 2011

Sorry it's a bit late still, It's still July. On another note typing with long nails is really hard.

 Enjoy :D

Love Ola <3